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Final Fantasy X 2 International Codebreaker Codes
RECENT UPDATES Final Fantasy X-2 CodeBreaker Codes This page here will share minor tidbits, tricks, cheats and hints about Final Fantasy X-2. As with many of the other guides on my website these are designed to be very google friendly. If you're stuck, and googling to to get done a certain part of the game, that's hopefully how you found this guide!

Final Fantasy X-2 Master Code (1): FA7A006E 32A69F29 Code breaker versions 1 - 5.
Final Fantasy X-2 Cheats For PlayStation 2 • New game+ After beating the game for the first time,on the title screen there will be new game+.This is a new game except your characters start with the items when you ended the game for the first time. Contributed by: xpicardx • Extra Ending First you'll have to meet with Maechen at Guadosalam in Chapter 3. You'll find him when you meet up with Logos and Ormi in the same area. Next you have to get the 'whistling' scene with Yuna at the end of Chapter 3. When you're alone in the Farplane, move Yuna around and continually press the X button. You'll hear whistling. That means you have activated the event.
Next thing you have to do is get an Episode Complete in Luca during Chapter 5. All you have to do there is visit the location where Tidus taught Yuna how to whistle. Next, get an Episode Complete in Besaid. Finally, once you have beat the game, keep tapping the X button to get the ending.
Final Fantasy X International. Also see GameShark Codes, Action Replay Codes for more Final Fantasy X International (Import) cheat codes. Final Fantasy X / X-2.
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Final Fantasy X 2 Walkthrough
Rush 2112 youtube full album. Contributed by: HM Master • Easy 500+ points in Dancing Mini Game As soon as the mini game starts,regardless of what the game tells you to do,keep pressing Triangle,Circle,X and Square simultaneously as fast as you can until the mini game ends.You'll easily score 500+ points Contributed by: mindblower • Easy Money After giving O'aka 100,000 Gil to pay off his debt, he will sell you items for extremely cheap prices later. He sells Hi-Potions for 50 Gil, but you can still sell them for normal price. If you buy 99 Hi-Potions at the 50 Gil price, and then sell them all, you can make over 3 times the money back. You can do this process over and over until you have the desired amount needed. Contributed by: Cyril • Alternate Ending To get this ending, Let the Final boss fire its cannon.